
Thursday, 23 May 2024

Pitch feedback

My feedback about what to add/improve from my pitch:
1. A name needs to be decided on for definite (Current options are Beat or Rhythm)
2. I need to think about what intertextual references to include and how to include them
3. I need to come up with ideas for digital convergence

My ideas from the feedback:
1. I am leaning towards the name ‘beat’ and possibly incorporating a play symbol in the masthead, or the name ‘fuse’ and involving imagery of a fuse into the name
2. For one of my magazines (one which I may lean into the pop genre for) I may make an intertextual reference to Sabrina Carpenter’s song ‘espresso’ because it fits in with the pop genre and the target audience demographic. For my other magazine (which may be inspired by R&B) I am planning on referencing another artist in this genre. I will convey this intertextuality through either cover lines, imagery, clothing, or background - possibly a combination of more than one of these
3. I am planning on developing a house style that I will adopt in both magazines and my website with a key colour or font referenced in all products, but with other colours creating some variety within the covers so they stand out from one another

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Final Versions

Edition 1: Edition 2: Website: